Monday, December 04, 2006

Hound-deer is back!

Tonight Eric and I decorated out little balsam Christmas tree, and when I opened the ornament tin, I found Olive's santa reindeer jacket and antlers. I love this time of year, especially with the tree glowing and the smell of pine. I'm especially excited for Christmas this year because I don't have any finals. It's great to be able to go shopping for my gifts and maybe even do a little baking.

Good news on the wedding front, we've decided on a reception spot, and the date of September 29, 2007! We're really excited, and a little overwhelmed, but it feels great to have something settled. The reception is going to be at the Rochester Art Center, which is actually a building that my firm did a couple of years ago. The location is nice, right on the river, and the space is a blank canvas, which gives us a lot of options. You can check it out at

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