Saturday, March 29, 2008

Role reversal....

Anna's parents are in Roch this weekend. About 2 months ago Anna decided, to my dismay, that our main floor bathroom needed an overhaul. I guess there was a "mold problem" that was later proven false. I give her a ton of credit for her vision and motivation when it comes to home improvement. She has a great eye for design and a drive to jump right into a project. The only slight downfall is that after the demolition (which I help with) and idea phase our projects typically stall (as in this case for about 2 months). Part of the problem is that I have no interest or ability in doing these things on my own. Call me lazy or uninterested, but my home improvement abilities seem to be limited to painting walls. Anyway, we have hired Anna's dad to come over and help put up some new tile in our shower. As we speak he and Anna are hard at work applying mortar, tile and grout. That is where this role reversal comes in. Our bathroom is barely big enough for the two of them let alone me as a third body. Therefore I have taken on the cooking and cleaning duties for the weekend (with the help of Anna's mom). I made a mean scrambled egg (w/ chives, garlic and parm), toast and pineapple breakfast and followed that up with a homemade wedge salad for lunch (see pic). It is really fun to have her parents here as her dad is a wiz when it comes to home improvement help and their company is always wonderful. As you can see in the pictures the tile is looking great and we are eating well. We hope that everyone can come visit soon and enjoy our new bathroom. I might even whip up a fancy meal for you all! Be warned though, we might have a project waiting for you. Happy Spring! Eric and Anna

P.S. Wishing a quick recovery to all of those Seiler/Eiden kids infected or pending infection from the dreaded chicken pox after Easter. Oh and Maggie, I hope yours doesn't move past the pink marker dots that you put all over your body.

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