Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Anna and I had a wonderful weekend sharing time with each of our families. Friday night we were on our own and caught a show at the Cabooze in Minneapolis. One of our favorite Minnesota bands, Trampled by Turtles, were in town.
Saturday we spent the day traversing the Twin Cities with my parents. My brother had a track meet at Hamline University so everyone was in town to watch him. He didn't run until 6:15 so we drove my parents around town all day. We started early with donuts and coffee at Meloglaze bakery. Meloglaze is a small family owned bakery in South Minneapolis right near the northeast edge of Lake Nokomis.

Anna and I heard about this place while watching the news last weekend. WCCO said that they serve some of the best glazed donuts around. I would say that the donuts fit the bill. I had an apple fritter that was out of this world. Turns out that Peg and Pat have known about this place for years. Thanks for waiting so long to share the good news guys!

After we were good and sugared up we made our way over to Reed's Sales and Service in St. Paul to do some lawn mower shopping. Anna and I picked up a new Brill lawnmower. We decided to go green and try a reel mower. These are the mowers our grandparents and parents used to use before the gas powered mowers caught on. Anna and I did a bunch of research and found that the Brill is the Roles Royce of reel mowers (or should I say the Audi's as these little guys come to us from Germany).

After we left Reed's Sales and Service in St. Paul my parents, the green thumbs that they are, suggested checking out the St. Paul farmers market. Anna and I both love to hit the local markets so we were in. It was a beautiful day to be at the market. There were lots of vendors pedaling flowers and baskets for mom. As usual we never leave empty handed. Anna grabbed some basil and rosemary for the herb garden and a few other plants for the yard.

From the market we headed to REI and the new Crate and Barrel at the Galleria. For some reason Anna and I can never leave REI empty handed. My parents must be the same as they filled their hands with a few good outdoor items.

After a late lunch we went our separate ways to nap and get ready for the track meet. By the time the meet started the rain was really coming down. Matt has had a great freshman track season for Saint John's. He runs the 110 high hurdles and is one of the best on his team. Saturday was the conference meet and one of his last chances to make the regional meet. Unfortunately it wasn't his day. After a strong start out of the blocks he hit the second hurdle and then the next. He ended up near the end of the pack. We are very proud of him and excited to see what he has in store for next year.

All in all it was a great day on Saturday. It is so fun spending time with my family. We had a blast hitting all of our favorite stomps with my parents. I hope that they enjoyed it as much as we did.

We spent Sunday morning at Peg and Pat's house in Richfield. Anna and Peg made a wonderful brunch that we shared with Jerry and Geri along with Pat's parents. After brunch we hit the road back to Roch. There was yard work to be done.

Until next time!

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